Monday 23 January 2012

Being a Teenager

We've all been there, we can all relate to the pain of being a teenager and all that it encompasses. It’s a time in our lives when no two days are the same, the monotony of adult life is yet to set in and joy and despair occur in equal measure.  Having turned twenty only a few months ago, I feel that I am now in a position to look back on my teenage years like a war veteran recalling tales of the trenches to his grandchildren, and embrace the angst, the joy and the lessons learned in those seven years.  I apologise in advance for any offence caused by some of the lewd and crass terms I am about to use in this blog, there are literally no technical terms for them!
At the age of 13 one word that suddenly takes prominence in one's vocabulary (for males at least) is ‘fingering’.  At this age to 'finger' someone is the holy grail, the be all and end all, the ultimate achievement.  If you managed to perform this most romantic of acts upon a female then you were considered a hero, a protagonist for change and a socially superior life form.  I can recall the day one of my close friends became the first in our year group to 'finger' a girl.  We sat around him staring up at him as if he were some sort of Demi-God and listened as he re-lived each and every second of his profound experience.  He imparted wisdom on technique, held fort for a short Q&A before being carried out on the shoulders of his classmates with the school brass band playing, 'For he's a Jolly Good Fellow', in hot pursuit.  Along with sexual conquests the teen years are prime time for rebellion, anyone who says they didn't rebel in some way, shape or form as a teenager is a liar.  Be it something as small as taking up smoking or the consumption of cheap cider on a Friday night or indeed something slightly less trivial.  Murder, for example.  I recall, after one particular argument with my folks going through a period of what can only be described as solitary confinement.  I received three less-than-nutritional meals a day, delivered through a small flap in my bedroom door, now reinforced with iron.  My only contact with the outside world being a rudimentary cup and string telephone system which I was only permitted to use when I required release for a toilet break.  I forget what the argument was over. 
18 is the main landmark in the Teen years, followed by 16 (the age at which fingering is no longer acceptable as a sexual conquest), and marks a sense of freedom, in that it becomes a lot easier and in some ways a lot less fun to get drunk; there is nothing quite like the thrill of climbing into a bar through the bathroom window as opposed to the more conventional front door method.  Once 18 has passed and you are faced with dwindling funds to flaunt your new found freedom, the reality kicks in that at some stage in the not too distant future, you will have to grow up and face at least some degree of responsibility.  Before you know it you're no longer a teenager, you hit twenty, as I have and have to start blogging for some sense of recognition.
Here is a link that relates to this blog, however if you were offended by the 'fingering' aspect, don't click it. . .  Keep Reading.

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