Saturday 21 January 2012


There is no doubt in my mind or the mind of most people who have a profile that Facebook is addictive.  Mark Zuckerberg has created the ultimate distraction, the social phenomenon of Facebook has claimed countless victims, causing them to fail exams, lose jobs and just generally make fools of themselves.  I would be lying if I myself claimed not to be one of those victims but the fact is most of us are; we sit in front of our computer screens putting off considerably more important and pressing tasks in favour of searching through pictures of people we once knew hoping to stumble across one of them at their worst.  There is no doubt that Facebook serves a purpose, arguably the most effective being the 'Relationship Status', this has saved single men countless hours of leg work; gone are the days a bloke would unleash his best chat up lines on a girl in a three day text tirade only to be hit with the words 'I have a boyfriend'.  Other services this networking tool provides include the 'Create an Event' application; it has never been so easy to assemble a large group of people together at a certain time in a particular place to take a break from stalking ex's in order to fill themselves up with a selection of strong ciders.  I am not slagging off Facebook, nor the people that use it, there is a certain stigma attached; if you don't have a Facebook Profile you are considered socially inept and incapable of communicating with the rest of society.  Somebody I know did the unthinkable recently and deleted their Profile.  At first I couldn't understand the decision, why would someone disassociate themselves with this invaluable social resource?  I had visions of them being cast back through the ages; surely the next natural step after deleting your Facebook Profile is to move into a cave, bang two stones together to make a fire and ultimately begin communicating in a series of grunts.  The more I thought about it however, the more I began to understand it and in the end I admired their decision.  Imagine how much more we could get done without Facebook,  the wheels of evolution have stopped turning since it's introduction into mainstream society because instead of curing cancer or finding ways to put a man on Mars scientists are 'Checking in at the Lab' and then proceeding to spend the whole day watering their crops on Farmville.  We may have access to more private information about the people around us but in my view we have become less social as a race since Facebook.  I have this image of what would happen if we just took Facebook away, people wouldn't have anything to talk about, we'd just approach our friends, open our mouths to speak, shrug and just walk on.  The most ironic thing about this blog is that I will no doubt post it on my Facebook page for people to read. Ah, the power of Networking.

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