Wednesday 25 January 2012


I’ve covered Facebook so I thought I may as well cover twitter within the same week.  This does not mean however that I am in anyway technologically savvy; in my family my brother is the one blessed with that particular skill set, on countless occasions he has sat exasperatedly walking me through the basic elements of computers like a man trying to teach Hebrew to a rock.  Invariably the tuition concludes with: ‘and that’s how you turn it on’, or something in the same ilk.  Typing and posting this blog amounts to the extent of my computer know-how, I’ll leave the rest to the experts. 
Twitter, whilst once deemed exclusive to celebrity culture has, in more recent times become a way for those of us of considerably lower stature to stalk our favourite celebs and launch scathing attacks on the ones we’re not too fond of.  As with Facebook a persons’ virtual popularity can be gauged on Twitter as well, however instead of calling them friends they are called followers, adding a sense of pretentiousness to proceedings.  It amazes me how individuals such as Wayne Rooney can amass such an outrageous amount of followers, yes granted, he is highly gifted in his chosen field but he is also the epitome of a dullard, surely someone of such wealth and celebrity would have more interesting and insightful things to tweet about than his current crop of monotonous drivel.  I can’t help but think we all would have been left a lot more entertained if he had been tweeting throughout the whole prostitute scandal.  
The art of voyeurism has been around for centuries, some of the world’s most famous personalities have been ‘voyeured’, Marylin Monroe for example was forever pulling her curtains closed as desperate middle aged men lurked in bushes and rummaged through bins clutching a copy of ‘Maps to Movie Stars Homes’ in a bid to gain a sexually gratifying insight into the life of the original blonde bombshell.  With the introduction of Twitter this ancient art is dying out.  There is no need to find a vantage point from a tree when you can follow the movements of your favourite celebrity on your smartphone from the comfort of your own home.
Twitter introduces Carter to Jones
As well as making the life of the scopophiliac easier and giving us a near enough anonymous outlet for our distain on certain members of the celebrity fraternity Twitter serves more conventional and productive purposes for those who require them.  Manchester based entrepreneur David Carter is a prime example of how to use Twitter as both a social and business tool as he utilises the networking site as a platform to promote and advertise his company.  David has a twitter following in excess of 8000 which eclipses my 70 something followers by some distance; needless to say, this following reflects his success to this date, made all the more impressive by the fact that he is still a teenager.  His large army of ‘tweeps’ makes him an attractive prospect to the media; he is regularly approached by the press, television and radio wanting to find out more about his business.  If this doesn’t convince you about the power of Twitter then maybe this will.  Carter has recently been rubbing shoulders with none other than Peter Jones of Dragon’s Den fame after the 45 year old entrepreneur took an interest in David having ‘re-tweeted’ one of his tweets.  
The virtual world is fast becoming the best and most effective way to promote and advertise and is, in the case of David Carter at least, a sure fire way to catapult yourself up through the echelons of the business world
To add to David’s throngs of followers and check out what he and his business are up to click here .!/_david_carter no binoculars required. Enjoy.

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